
Average score 1445 Reviews
MICHEL AU noted on Google

La cuisine est bonne, le cadre est vraiment super.Personnel agréable, patronne très sympathique. Je le recommande. (Translated by Google) The food is good, the setting is really great. Pleasant staff, very friendly owner. I recommand it.

2 months ago
myriam Nutten noted on Google

Endroit très cool pour les fans de manga dommage qu'on nous laisse pas le temps d apprecie l apéritif les plats arrivent trop vite et un peu désordonné sllinon serveuse très agréable et serviable (Translated by Google) Very cool place for manga fans too bad they don't give us time to enjoy the aperitif the dishes arrive too quickly and a little messy sllinon waitress very pleasant and helpful

2 months ago
Black Hawk59 noted on Google

Très bien manger et personnels sympathique (Translated by Google) Very good food and friendly staff

2 months ago
Christophe Kergoat noted on Google

2 months ago
lau ‘ noted on Google

parfait, rien à redire les plats sont bons (Translated by Google) perfect, nothing to complain about the dishes are good

2 months ago
David Dunkerque noted on Google

Notre fille gardera un très bon souvenir de ce repas d'anniversaire. (Translated by Google) Our daughter will keep very good memories of this birthday meal.

2 months ago
Pascal Obispo noted on Google

Trop bon et deco au top (Translated by Google) Too good and top decor

2 months ago
Will DRACUS noted on Google

Dommage de dire au revoir au buffet a volonté mais en revanche la qualité des mets est largement supérieure mais comme tout japonais plus c est bon plus c est cher! La formule midi reste correcte. (Translated by Google) It's a shame to say goodbye to the all-you-can-eat buffet, but on the other hand the quality of the food is much higher, but like everything Japanese, the better it is, the more expensive it is! The noon formula remains correct.

2 months ago
Ella Jiang noted on Google

2 months ago
nadia benkhouia noted on Google

Personnel agréable et très à l’écoute de sa clientèle et surtout tout est excellent je recommande sans hésitation. (Translated by Google) Pleasant staff who are very attentive to their customers and above all everything is excellent, I recommend without hesitation.

2 months ago

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