
Average score 1445 Reviews
Evelyne Fostier noted on Google

Nouvelle déco manga on commande à la demande j ai trouvé très bien plus raffiné qu ailleurs 9 les serveurs en kimonos... toujours de petit robot qui apporte les plats (Translated by Google) New manga decor we order on demand I found it very much more refined than elsewhere 9 the waiters in kimonos... always a little robot who brings the dishes

15 days ago
Antonio Dias noted on Google

17 days ago
Lahossaine El noted on Google

17 days ago
athena57 challenge noted on Google

Superbe, incroyable la décoration et le repas ❤️❤️❤️❤️ (Translated by Google) Superb, incredible decoration and meal ❤️❤️❤️❤️

18 days ago
Quentin Debou noted on Google

C'était un bon moment avec le personnel agréable (Translated by Google) It was a good time with nice staff

18 days ago
Yannick Hubert noted on Google

Très bon sushi 🍣 riz bien moelleux (Translated by Google) Very good sushi 🍣 very soft rice

18 days ago
Franck D noted on Google

Restaurant avec une jolie décoration Les plats sont bons Le service souriant (Translated by Google) Restaurant with nice decoration The dishes are good Smiling service

19 days ago
Justine Martinage noted on Google

19 days ago
Alexandra Jean noted on Google

Poulet croustillant au curry est très bon. Par contre pour le service c'est dommage que tout passe par un QR code et que des gens arrivaient bien après nous soit servi bien avant nous. Les décors sont très beaux (Translated by Google) Crispy chicken curry is very good. On the other hand, for the service it's a shame that everything goes through a QR code and that people arrived well after us and were served well before us. The decorations are very beautiful

20 days ago
Caroline Lion noted on Google

Le ramen au porc est vraiment très bien , ainsi que les sushis saumons et les californiens saumon avocat 😍 , l'équipe est très agréable et sympathique. La déco est super , belle ambiance ! Je recommande++ (Translated by Google) The pork ramen is really very good, as well as the salmon sushi and the Californian salmon and avocado 😍, the team is very pleasant and friendly. The decor is great, beautiful atmosphere! I recommend++

20 days ago

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59210 Coudekerque-branche, France

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